If the link does not work, try searching for design, menus and WP Themes.
When you click the links on the site gallery, (in most cases), you are taken to that particular site with that design. So, you can see an exact use, not just 'a-design-idea'. Also checkout their right hand sidebar links for more ideas.
Its great for design ideas, but not as helpful as to give you exact links to where you can find the exact WP / HTML code to actually import and use the designs yourself. (And this is a little of what I mean about time-wasting sites, where you spend hours searching for designs, and find some stuff that you'd like to use; but then, there are no links to give it to you). It is annoying!
My best advice here, is to find what you want design wise and if you are not able to implement the work yourself, go to or and contract the work out to someone.
You will only pay for results, if you know what you want and can show images and give detail for the content on your website.
This post is a continuation of stuff I was looking at, when I was looking for new menus a while ago, (go and see an older post about links to a menus resource site).
TAGS: Site Design Ideas,
© AndyGold 2011
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