HTML Bits Sticky Post

This post is also the first post - did you see, I made it a sticky post by putting the text into a text module!

HTML Bits is about the little bits of code you might forget.

I'm only a novice with HTML - I know that we have moved on, (well, at least every one else has), to using XHTML and style sheets, as well as JAVA. Well, I don't know much about all the tech stuff, I'll admit, but the point here is not to try and teach you HTML, but just to keep my notes of the HTML that I do need.

In true form, I find that the same stuff I need to remember, is the same stuff my friends always ask me about.

Things like; How do you structure a simple URL link code in a web page or blog, so that it displays in the mouse hover over pop-up when you hover over some text?

How do you make a URL link open the link in a new tab, when visitors left click on your hyper-text link?

How do you make a link no-follow, and why)?

I know these and other questions may be basic to those geeks that can speak techno, but for geeks like me, even when I find out how to do something, I can never remember how to do it again if I don't use it all of the time. Also, even if I write it down, I cannot locate the info when I need it.

I needed to show a friend No-Follow today, (I do know how to do it), its just that I was not sure on the exact position and layout of the code. I don't want to mess-up someones blog or website, so I had to say I'll tell them later.

To this end, I've started this blog, mainly for myself so that I have a place to keep all my bits of code.

However, now you can benefit too, if your are unsure of the code. Be careful, I might make the odd mistake or two, so I want to say now, If anything goes wrong with the information I show you anywhere on this blog, I don't want to be held responsible.

Use this info at your own risk! But, if it is here, it worked for me, simple as that!

Happy and safe coding!



Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fav Icon Dimensions

Hi, This is an old post of mine from another blog, but it is still relevant in 2012.

Your Fav Icon, (now readily available in Blogger) is part of your corporate image. At least it helps differentiate your site in the tabs bar.

Tips are:- that you should make the Fav Icon Pic small in size and KB (Kilobytes), it should be colorful and if possible totally unique. Something that is your own design, a LOGO if you will.

All the top sites have their logo in their Fav Icon. It is especially important if you have a Blogger blog, because otherwise, you will have to use one of the default ones that Google provide. I know they look OK, but they say Google Blogger, not you.

You can take any image and re-size and crop it to make your own Fav Icon, with most picture editors available. I have even done it with which is an online free picture editor suite.

I have seen Fav Icons of all sizes, but the standard seems to be 16 x 16 pixels and 100 KB or less in size.

One of the best places that I have found for creating your Fav Icon is They show and tell you more info on what dimensions qualify for use as a Fav Icon.

You just need to find a totally square picture that you want to use, the square part should be easy as most digital pictures are already perfectly square.

A tip for you is, that if you find the Fav Icon Generator complains that the picture is not perfectly square. All you need to do is to crop it slightly. This should bring the picture into a perfect square.

You will have to use the trial and error method if you run into problems, but look at it this way, it helps you learn those skills better, so every cloud has a silver lining!

The one thing I found most awkward was to find words or symbols small enough to still be clearly readable, Like when I was creating a Fav Icon for my F1 blog!

By far the best advice I can give you to make this real easy, is to just choose an icon pic or symbol, (or just a plain color square that stands out), something like a human figure in a pose or a flower or shape design. (Like a green triangle within a red circle, something simple).

When you become more proficient at creating these little graphic master pieces, you can spend more time and create something unique to you. Otherwise, why not splash a bit of cash and get a professional graphics designer to make one for you?

Good places to find these graphics designers are places like and (now (Meaning Virtual Worker)).

Here is an example of one I made. It started out as a large normal size gold background. I took it into Fav Icon, rotated it and reduced it by just making it into a Fav Icon with the generator, without doing anything else to it at that point.

This gave me the size 16 x 16 pixels and less than 100kb.

Next I uploaded it to PicNik and added text AG for AndyGold. I had to mess around with different fonts to see which looked best. I was able to zoom in to place and examine the text.

Next I zoomed out to check on the appearance; I was happy and saved it back to my PC for later uploading via the Fav Icon tool widget in Design on Blogger! All done!


TAGS: Fav Icon Dimensions, Fav Icon,


© AndyGold 2011/ 2012

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