HTML Bits Sticky Post

This post is also the first post - did you see, I made it a sticky post by putting the text into a text module!

HTML Bits is about the little bits of code you might forget.

I'm only a novice with HTML - I know that we have moved on, (well, at least every one else has), to using XHTML and style sheets, as well as JAVA. Well, I don't know much about all the tech stuff, I'll admit, but the point here is not to try and teach you HTML, but just to keep my notes of the HTML that I do need.

In true form, I find that the same stuff I need to remember, is the same stuff my friends always ask me about.

Things like; How do you structure a simple URL link code in a web page or blog, so that it displays in the mouse hover over pop-up when you hover over some text?

How do you make a URL link open the link in a new tab, when visitors left click on your hyper-text link?

How do you make a link no-follow, and why)?

I know these and other questions may be basic to those geeks that can speak techno, but for geeks like me, even when I find out how to do something, I can never remember how to do it again if I don't use it all of the time. Also, even if I write it down, I cannot locate the info when I need it.

I needed to show a friend No-Follow today, (I do know how to do it), its just that I was not sure on the exact position and layout of the code. I don't want to mess-up someones blog or website, so I had to say I'll tell them later.

To this end, I've started this blog, mainly for myself so that I have a place to keep all my bits of code.

However, now you can benefit too, if your are unsure of the code. Be careful, I might make the odd mistake or two, so I want to say now, If anything goes wrong with the information I show you anywhere on this blog, I don't want to be held responsible.

Use this info at your own risk! But, if it is here, it worked for me, simple as that!

Happy and safe coding!



Thursday, November 10, 2011

HOW TO: Disable Automatic Desktop Cleanup XP

HOW TO: Disable the Automatic Desktop Cleanup Feature in Windows XP

Do you find that things go missing from your desktop?
I had found the computer stuck in a closing-down mode, due to automatic updates that were down-loaded and installed. When I restarted (I had to soft restart), all my desktop was messed up!

I leave my computer on 24/7 because I work on it all the time and at unusual hours. I might not use something for months but I still want it! If I put something onto my desktop, I want it there. If I decide to remove it later, then I like to control that and do it manually.

How To Disable the Automatic Desktop Cleanup Wizard.

To stop the wizard from automatically running every 60 days:
  1. Right-click a blank spot on the desktop, and then click Properties to open the Display Properties dialog box.
  2. Click the Desktop tab.
  3. Click Customize desktop to open the Desktop Items dialog box.
  4. Click to UN-TICK THE CHECK BOX the Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days check box.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog boxes, there are two to close.



You can run the Desktop Cleanup Wizard manually if you want!

To run the Wizard manually, click Clean Desktop Now on the Desktop Items dialog box. You can perform a manual cleanup at any time, even if you have not disabled the wizard.

I think that sometimes, when I am using a piece of software or using a lot of resources, the computer might hang for some time, especially if some idiot program like the Desk-Top-Clean-Up-Wizard starts.

I call these type of programs 'idiots programs', because you should not let a non-thinking automatic piece of software just decide and delete things for you! - 

My main problem is that I am usually in a hurry and click to close the Windows XP uses the Desktop Cleanup Wizard and inadvertently ask it to take action.

Computer Newbie Problems. I have a friend who is a total newbie with computers, who gets worried if they do not agree with and go with every security question offered to them! 

WHAT DOES The Desktop Cleanup Wizard DO?

Windows XP uses the Desktop Cleanup Wizard, to track your usage of the icons on your desktop and periodically offers to remove the icons you have not used for some time automatically. You can just click once and remove all of the old unused icons. (I think that's a little dangerous, especially for computer newbies)!

Short-cut icons are placed on the desktop by default, because you created them to provide a quick method of finding and opening a program or document. Some icons may be on the desktop because the software setup installation program placed them there when the software was installed.

If you are careful when agreeing to options when installing software programs, (games included), you might get the choice to have shortcuts on the desktop or not.

If I need to show my PC screen to a business associate or friend, for business related reasons. Then I might not want them to see my PC games icons on my desktop. It does not look professional! I just launch them from another folder on my desktop or via the start menu!

The Desktop Cleanup Wizard runs every 60 days. (But you can turn it off)!  It checks the last accessed date of the desktop shortcuts and displays a list of all the icons, with a check mark next to the name of each icon that has not been used in 60 days.

You can control by deselecting any icon you want to keep on the desktop, and the Wizard will remove only the selected icons.

The icons removed by the The Desktop Cleanup Wizard, are not deleted, they are just moved to a folder and you can put them back on the desktop if you want.

The folder that is automatically created the first time the Wizard removes icons is C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop\Unused Desktop Shortcuts.

Hope this helps.
AndyGold. -

TAGS: Windows XP uses the Desktop Cleanup Wizard, Desktop Cleanup Wizard,  

© AndyGold 2011

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